Frollo Jewellery : for more than a century, the jewelry of Venice!

Jewelry, coins, watches and vintage jewelry, appraisals


nonnoIn 1910 Augusto Frollo opened his first jewelry shop at the Ponte Della Panada (Panada’s bridge), in front of the Giacinto Gallina School.Some years later he moved in Campo San Cassiano (San Cassiano’s square), in the – still existing – booth at the foot of the bridge. In the meantime his son Ermenegildo learned the art of goldsmithing in a well known goldsmith atelier of Venice. Few years later, at the end of the 20’s during the recession period, his father decided to retire and put the shop into his hands.In 1947 Ermenegildo acquired the shop of a colleague on the Rialto’s Bridge, and here in 1950 his son Luciano started working after three years of training in the atelier. After seven years they opened a second shop in the Mercerie del Capitello. In the meanwhile in 1989 his son Simone started learning the art of goldsmithing and obtained the Graduate Gemologist diploma from the IGI of Milan.
Since 2000 Luciano and Simone have been working exclusively in the Mercerie shop carrying on their business that in 2010 celebrated a century of activity.